I like participating in and creating puzzle hunts. I’m the captain of the ✈✈✈ Galactic Trendsetters ✈✈✈ for the yearly MIT Mystery Hunt. We also make the Galactic Puzzle Hunt and participate in other puzzling events throughout the year in smaller groups.
If you’re looking to try some puzzles, here are a few of my favorites that I’ve written:
- Make Your Own Math Quiz A challenge to make arithmetic problems with strange constraints (Solution)
- X-ray Fish A video of… fish? (Solution)
- Love at 150 km/h A luge dating sim (Solution)
- Fun With Sudoku Sudoku variants (Solution)
- Playing With Matches Math equations with match sticks (Solution)
- Radio Broadcast A radio broadcast of a baseball game (Solution)
Here’s a more complete list of the hunts I’ve helped to organize and specific puzzles I’ve written:
- Make Your Own Star Battle (Solution)
- Postseason Tournaments (Solution)
- Spelling Bee (Solution)
- It may be impossible to solve Spelling Bee without first doing many earlier puzzles in the hunt.
- Where To Next? (Solution)
- Make Your Own Math Quiz (Solution)
- Count the Solutions to This Nurikabe (Solution)
- The linked image contains all the puzzles in the round; Count the Solutions is in the top left.
2021 MIT Mystery Hunt
(I wrote a lot of puzzles for this hunt; here is a selection)
- Hockfield Court (Solution)
- Debate Quotes (Solution)
- Love at 150 km/h (Solution)
- In A Park (Solution)
- Fun With Sudoku (Solution)
- Super Mystery World (Solution)
- A Collection of Conundrums and Riddles (Solution)
- Cafe Five (Solution)
- Make Your Own Word Search (Solution)
- Playing With Matches (Solution)
- Radio Broadcast (Solution)
- Word Search II (Solution)
- Make Your Own Crossword (Solution)